holy crap! that's damn near genius, i'm going to have to give that a shot, overpaying a tad, but given my recent luck it won't work. I got pulled over AGAIN by CHP yesterday, this time for having tinted front windows and no front plate. I got a "fix-it" ticket. I saw him way a head of time and was going 40 in a 45mph, so you can't imagine my preparedness to be very pissed when he pulled me over after i passed him. The front plate thing, well, i was just waiting for that one, no biggy, but now i have to strip my tinting. Does anyone have any tips on how to get around this fix it ticket? It says it can be signed by a cop OR an authorized something something... hrmm. My new method of driving is going to be: if you see a cop, stay 500 feet behind them no matter how slow they are going.

|| loren.cox ||
|| loren ||