Anyone ever see an unmarked HP minivan?

Here, they have marked mini-vans. They are unmanned (except for one officer usually sitting in the cab, reading or something). They are bristling with cameras though. The radar they use is very low powered (my Whistler picks them up at a very low level about 1/2 block before I get to them, it has picked up regular radar 2 miles away, on the other side of a hill). If you are speeding, they take a picture of the front of the car (centered on the driver), and the back (so they can get the license plate, which isn't required on the front in AZ). Sometimes they have warning signs up of the 'photo enforcement zone ahead', but not all the time.

They also have hidden camera/radar traps in certain areas, such as the medians disguised as a cactus. They also have cameras at a bunch of intersections that get tripped if somebody runs a red light (AZ has like 2 of the top 3 cities for worst red light running, maybe 3 out of the top 5).