Damn! I just got my first ticket (ever, I'm only 19) three hours ago. I'm a good, safe driver, and I'm usually the carefully alert speeder that Tony just described. Tonight, however, I was thinking about how I had just forgotten something back from where I had left, and it was 2 am and no one was on the road, save one policeman in a dark side street waiting for me. The ticket was for 48 in a 35 (mph), which should be $145 + insurance, but I can probably get out of it by taking 6 hours of defensive driving (plus court costs). I think this might have been a situation when a radar gun would have saved me, unless the policeman was using the instant-on type.

What’s the worst about it is that I'm pretty convinced that this small city routinely sets ups speed traps as a revenue producing stream that preys on motorists passing thorough. That kind of pisses me off. Oh well.

- John

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