I still don't understand how checking overpasses and looking for planes helps traffic safety.

It's not that, specifically.

My point is: In order to speed and not get caught, you need to be on your toes at all times. You can't take your eyes off the road, you must constantly scan your surroundings, and you must be sensitive to the movements of all the vehicles around you. You also have to drive with the focus on where you're going to be instead of where you are, i.e., keeping your attention on the area of road up ahead of you.

What's dangerous is someone who speeds and doesn't do those things. Or heck, even someone who drives the speed limit and doesn't do those things. That's why I'm glad there's a Highway Patrol.

And to scan for airplanes, you don't stick your head out the window and stare straight up. Airplanes will generally be seen with your attention focused on the road ahead of you. They fly very low over the highway. You should be able to see them without taking your eyes off the road.

Checking onramps is a good thing for safety, anyway, if you're in the right lane. It allows merges to happen more safely.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris