If you are at high speed rates, you should be paying enough attention to the road to spot the cop before you are in range anyways

My philosophy exactly. If you're going to speed, you need to be in a heightened state of situational awareness in order to be a safe driver. If you can't maintain this state of awareness, you should slow down.

My 65-in-a-55 ticket is an example of a time when I shouldn't have been speeding. I was having a conversation with my wife and wasn't checking onramps in my side mirror. He dropped onto the freeway exactly in my right rear blind spot (this guy was good).

I probably would have gotten off with a warning if I hadn't made one critical mistake: Instead of slowing to 55, I thought that slamming on the brakes would have been too guilty-looking. Truth is, if I'd slammed on the brakes when I first saw him behind me, he wouldn't have been able to pace me in time and wouldn't have had a good clocking. Depending on the cop, they usually won't write you up unless they're sure the clocking is ironclad.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris