Sorry to hear about these Mitsubishi-forum related problems... As far as I am participating in this BBS, I can reveal it really improves the user experience of the product(s)!

The truth is that the Mitsubishi forum also improves the user experience of the products. But you have to wade through the Mits-bashing to get to the nuggets of gold.

If it weren't for the information in that forum, I would have been terribly unhappy with my TV set, because I discovered (only after I purchased it) that I was outside the range of any in-home service technicians. And I don't have a car big enough to cart the set back to a service center.

So as a result, I've had to perform any repairs and calibrations on the set myself, even if they would have been covered under warranty. Fortunately, the forum gave me details on how to do all of the necessary work, and I'm happy with my home theater. If it weren't for that forum, I would have been a very unhappy customer.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris