Feature request: I was tagging the lyrics to the Animaniacs' Yakko's World and encountered a problem... there's some quick lines, specifically at the end:
[01:40]Crete, Mauritania
[01:41]Then Transylviania,
[01:41]Monaco, Liechtenstein
[01:42]Malta, and Palestine,
[01:43]Fiji, Australia, Sudan.

The WinAMP plugin didn't know what to do about two lines with the same time, and emphatic just blanked at that point and then scrolled several lines at the beginning of the next song.

Ok, so what I should have done was combine those two lines, but I didn't notice they were within the same second until it was already uploaded to the empeg.

How difficult would it be to add a workaround in emphatic that multiple lines with the same timing info should be appended and treated as a single line? Or is it so rare that I should just fix the lyrics for this one song and shut up?
--The Amigo