WMP9 has a built in "Advanced Tag Editor" which is accessible by right clicking a track in the Media Library. However, I think the synchronized lyrics stuff is only on XP.

I don't know if it's worth all the effort to get everything working every possible way. However, since WMP and lrc2sylt are apparently the only two programs that write the sylt frame, it would be nice if they both worked together. Even if we can't get it all working together, I'm the kind of person that always likes to know what's going wrong.

I think I'll try to get xmms running on OS X so that I can see how that plugin sees the lyrics. Besides that, what else might I do to test things? I haven't read through the ID3v2 spec yet. Can I just start editing things willy-nilly with a hex editor, or are the tag frames some fixed length that would break if I did that?