Thanks, Jim, we appreciate your hard work!

Well, thanks! I gotta say, it was a complete *bitch* trying to make out the words!!

Now that I have that under my belt, I'm thinking I may move on to something more substantial . I gotta say, though, I have been on a bit of an Ogg bender, and I have to wonder....what's the chances that Ogg support could magically (meaning it is not dependent on my ignoramus-level relationship with programming!) materialize? I was looking at GetID3() to see if there is a way to smoothly combine that with EasyTag and Grip, but I don't figure that will matter much if ultimately they are not viewable.

Anyhow, what you have done is great -- too cool. I look forward to exploding a few passengers' heads even *IF* I have to keep a few lowly MP3 files around.

(dang, though, I wish more liner notes were legible in a way that they would submit to OCR!!)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.