Because emphatic seems to run well in the background, even when there are no lyrics, I got to thinking that it might be neat to make it more than just a lyrics scroller. I have access to everything in /proc/empeg_notify, which includes the artist, title, genre, track number, etc. Furthermore, since I'm already reading from the ID3v2 tag, I could probably pull out the contents of *ANY* ID3v2 field you have in your MP3's, regardless of whether the player supports it.

I could then theoretically display these in some kind of configurable format, in kind of a special info mode. One of the sections of this could be the lyrics in a horizontal scroll area, but others could be the artist, title, track time, etc. This would almost be like a "skin" which would replace the Track Info screen.

Would anyone find this useful? Is anyone using non-standard ID3v2 fields and would want to view them? This kind of feature would take some time, and I'm not promising anything, but it's something I think might be kinda cool. I've seen posts in the past requesting user-definable fields on the Track Info screen, this might be the next best thing.

- Tony C
my empeg stuff