Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
The Android Market was featuring a great little app called Shush! recently, and I love it. All it does is detect when you've put the phone in silent or vibrate mode, and asks you when you'd like that to get turned off.

Because of software like this I'm still divided on what I like more, a hard switch or software control. Being able to silence my phone without removing it from my pocket has been handy. On the flip side, a coworker of mine back in 2004 had a symbian based Nokia phone with software that let him set silence/ring settings based on location. At work his phone was always in silent mode, but automatically turned back to ring mode when he drove home.

I agree that there are great advantages to both of them. I used to have a Treo with the mute switch on it, and it was great to be sitting in a theater, the typical "turn off your cell phone" reminder comes on, and I can just reach in my coat pocket without even looking and mute my phone.

But that doesn't give you much control. I just installed Shush! on Monday, and I'd estimate that I used its functionality about eight times already. I like that it's a one-time process, and I don't have to remember later.

Android has a bunch of apps that do muting based on location (and Tasker can do pretty much anything on the phone based on pretty much anything else), but don't they put a drain on the battery?