Originally Posted By: Archeon

3) Flash. I don't care if Apple says Flash has become obsolete. Every day I stumble onto Flash only sites and it's downright annoying not to be able to browse those websites just because Apple made a religeous decision that every webdesigner should use HTML5 from now on. 'Solutions' like eg. Photon browser are not real solutions don't solve the problem at all.

You realise that even Adobe has given up on mobile Flash now, right ?

Originally Posted By: Archeon

4) I read a lot of news/forums online. I usually do this by clicking on all the articles/posts I want to read, opening them in a separate tab and then read tab by tab. On my iPad, those tabs are NOT rendered in the background like the are on my desktop. That's annoying because instead of having all the articles 'ready to read' I still have to wait on them getting rendered when I jump from tab to tab. Android does this without a problem, so I don't see why this wouldn't be possible on the iPad.

That would be nice. At least Safari keeps the contents open and live now, it didn't used to even do that.

Originally Posted By: Archeon

5) I want Apple to open up their App Store so browsers like FireFox and Chrome would be allowed. While Safari isn't bad, I like to have the choice.

Chrome isn't even available for 99% of Android devices...

And I do hope that Firefox mobile is better than the user reviews suggest:

Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday