Originally Posted By: hybrid8
The iPad is unbeatable It's extreme, but I think pretty fair and accurate. The iPad is set to marginalize all other products the same way Microsoft did with Windows.

Could be, but unless Apple changes a few things, I won't be buying another one. I own an iPad 2, and, while overall I'm reasonably happy with it, there are a few things that annoy me.
1) I want a file browser utility! Finder or something else, I don't care, but I want to be able to manage my files and copy stuff from/to it.
2) Added to that, I want a USB slot. Mini USB or regular, I don't care, but I want to be able to connect a stick to it and browse it without having to buy additional adapters.
3) Flash. I don't care if Apple says Flash has become obsolete. Every day I stumble onto Flash only sites and it's downright annoying not to be able to browse those websites just because Apple made a religeous decision that every webdesigner should use HTML5 from now on. 'Solutions' like eg. Photon browser are not real solutions don't solve the problem at all.
4) I read a lot of news/forums online. I usually do this by clicking on all the articles/posts I want to read, opening them in a separate tab and then read tab by tab. On my iPad, those tabs are NOT rendered in the background like the are on my desktop. That's annoying because instead of having all the articles 'ready to read' I still have to wait on them getting rendered when I jump from tab to tab. Android does this without a problem, so I don't see why this wouldn't be possible on the iPad.
5) I want Apple to open up their App Store so browsers like FireFox and Chrome would be allowed. While Safari isn't bad, I like to have the choice.
6) I want to be able to change the layout of the keyboard to my liking.

These are only a few of my gripes, but the most important ones. I also think the new iPad is overrated. Sure, the new screen will be nice, but if there's one thing I've never complained about with my iPad 2, it's the quality or resolution of the screen. And the CPU is a but faster. Big deal, it's a next generation, it's supposed to be faster. And a higher resolution camera? Whoopee. Just what I was looking for. But not really. I think it's a true shame they didn't put Siri on it. Now that's something innovative!

The way things are looking now, I'll be skipping this next iPad. And if Apple doesn't change a few things, the generations after that as well. (but I'm not so naive to think Apple give a damn about my opinion)
This isn't supposed to be a rant or an anti-Apple post because I do believe they've made a few nice products, some of which I own. It's just that I hate to see the way they cripple their own products because of some sort of 'vision'.
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