Can't stand the people who say she's delivering "straight-talk." It might be straight, but that doesn't mean it's always accurate.

She'll make the red states a bit redder, but I don't know if it will help her among the "swing state independents" they desperately want.

but I was wondering if anyone knew why he ran it up 10 points in about five seconds.

I noticed that too. The answer is, quite simply, "because he's a Republican hack." Occam's razor and all. He obviously felt the point she was making (I forget what it was) was worth 10 points. I assume one of the lefties (Hilary Rosen, Paul Begala) could have done the same thing, or chalked up 50 points for Biden or whatever. Giving six panelists little scoreboards to play around with is more distracting than it is informative, but I'm sure there are people who need to be told who's winning, and I guess the next logical step after using sports metaphors in politics was to actually add scoreboards.

The insta-polls say Biden won. Not a shocking result.

- Tony C
my empeg stuff