I'm not sure why you're going into our policy differences when the section you're quoting me on has to do with how the candidates interact with the media, not who is right about Iraq or healthcare. I went into policy stuff in my response to your other post, but in that post, I didn't say anything about which side was right or wrong.

You originally asked me "do you think it's ANY different for the Democrats?" and said "none of them will do an interview they don't control." I pointed out that, in fact, Obama and Biden have been available to the press many times for unscripted questions, and Palin has not. Those statements have nothing to do with policy, and the fact that my policy positions line up much more closely to Obama than McCain have nothing to do with who's manipulating the media more.

Hey, it's cool if you think both sides are equally sleazy, I was just hoping for more evidence than you gave. I do recognize both sides try to work the refs and use the media to their advantage. But your "both sides do it" statement simply does not apply to the case of Palin ducking the media for a couple weeks while the McCain camp trains her. This is unprecedented, cowardly, and shows that she's not capable of speaking until she's told what to say.

Adding: You aren't going to see me defending Obama's unconscionable FISA vote, or the actions of other Democrats (before Obama was in the Senate) in the run-up to the war. Just because I think Obama is correct on many more issues than McCain is doesn't mean I like everything he's done, and just because I support him for President doesn't mean I support everything that every Democrat in Congress has done. (That being said, a lot more would have been done in the 110th Congress if Republicans hadn't shattered the record for filibusters.)

Edited by tonyc (08/09/2008 19:04)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff