Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy

Forget about what the candidates actually do and who they actually are for the moment (the truth is they are probably much more similar than different on 95% of the "issues").

This is the mantra of the low-information independent voter, and in this election, it's completely divorced from reality. I can probably name a dozen major issues off the top of my head where McCain and Obama are *diametrically* opposed. For starters: withdrawal from Iraq, direct diplomacy with Iran, taxes, abortion, capital punishment, gun control, and universal healthcare. Those are all areas where there is almost no overlap in their positions. Other issues with major differences, but some overlap, are education policy, free trade, energy policy, and gay marriage/civil unions. Even on those issues, however, I don't think a case can be made that they are more similar than different. The only issues I can think of that they agree more than 50% on (at least in terms of McCain's *current* positions) are federal funding for stem cell research, social security (McCain's very vague on this one) and climate change.

Please list any other issues McCain and Obama mostly agree on that I may have forgotten.


Seen purely as a strategic move, I think it's high risk, but potentially election winning for McCain.

Right, winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Nevermind that peoples' lives and livelihood hang in the balance.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff