Originally Posted By: tonyc

"A pox on both their houses" is only valid if you have a binary definition of pox. The folks that reinvented sleazy politics with Karl Rove and Dick Cheney at the helm are to be given a pass because Joe Biden didn't credit a British Labor leader in a political speech? Really?

Well, that's sort of my point. You're extremely biased toward one party in this nonsense. Where were these great Democrats of conscience when we needed people to oppose the Patriot Act or giving essentially a blank check to the President? Almost every single one of them voted the politically expedient way and supported that unconstitutional crap. That makes them EVERY BIT as much to blame as the executive branch, IMHO.

You happen to agree with a consistent side all of those policy differences. Many people, including non-Republicans like myself, consider some of them to be wrong headed, immoral or extremely naive, such as the immediate withdrawal from Iraq (immoral) and direct negotiations with Iran (naive). I also think that National (socialized) Healthcare is an abomination (wrong headed). It's fine if you agree with all of that, but to a non-party affiliated voter, they will both require holding your nose when you cast your vote.