Originally Posted By: tonyc
If I had any faith in the American populace, I would agree with you.

There are so many things that get reported in local news that people either don't know about or don't pay attention to because it doesn't directly affect them. Obama saying he was going to delay Constellation to pay for education, then when talking to Florida saying he was going to accelerate Constellation. McCain preaching straight talk and being against lobbying, then it was found out that several of his top aides were lobbyists for EADS (parent company of Airbus, who McCain actively helped win the Air Force tanker contract by getting the requirements rewritten).

The general population just doesn't care about how the candidates define themselves by their actions or promises. They are more concerned about whatever *gate thing comes out next (and that is the most ignorant fracking names given ever - I bet the dumbasses don't even realize why the Nixon scandal was called Watergate).

Politics and politicians piss me off.