As an example of what I'd call a quirk - really it's a UI bug but something I found when doing my audits that is confusing.

On the backup tab it will show "'x' files" to be backed up. However this is actually files + folders.

When on the Restore tab it will show files and folders as separate line items. A bit confusing when you don't know.

Took me a while to figure that out and when I've mentioned it to support as a note alongside other issues, they haven't responded to that part. There may be a reason for it but I can't think of it.

Also where I have had real issues like the network problems, they were only responsive during the US business day. I can live with that I guess for $70/year.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)