Also the selection of speed limits are oddly restricted, for example you there is no option between 300kb and 1mb !?

You can enter a custom value of any number but I agree it's not the most flexible. I'm still trying to figure out a way to let it run full blast all the time and be throttled at my firewall/router.

do wish that the local backups were stored as plain files, rather than stuffed into their own proprietary databases. But I understand why that is, as they actually backup blocks of data rather than files.

Remember they are encrypted anyway. I kind of like the 4GB blob method. Hundreds of thousands of files can be unwieldy.

You have to worry of course about whether it will stay unlimited, though they have at least been very clear to explain that they intend to stay unlimited and their reasons for thinking that they can when others have not. Only time will tell.

They do also say they will give a pro-rata refund if you cancel. Doesn't help if it's taken you 6 months to get everything up there though.

Someone pointed out to me that the $6/month family service is actually "as low as $6/month", but only when you pay for 4 years in advance.

I paid the full 4 in advance for the cheap rate based on the pro-rata refund mentioned above.

There are some niggles I have with it but overall I'm happy. My upload speeds are fairly slow so it's taken me a few months to get to about 300GB "in the cloud". The real important stuff is done though.

I created separate jobs backing up the higher priority stuff first. One niggle there is I have a local and online copies. It does the local copy only first and then assumes that's enough until every thing else has at least one copy. I get the concept but would prefer the higher priority stuff always take priority for all locations.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)