"This is a drag" - r2d2 dragging c3po's head
"I'm beside myself" - r2d2 stops at c3po's body

I would rather have 10x more lines like this than 1 second of jar jar, or the yoda-cum-mortal kombat scene. At least r2d2 and c3po are meant to be cheesy whereas that fight scene is meant to be serious and comes off like a saturday morning cartoon.
I think Lucas has been smoking monster crack rocks to think the digital yoda looks even close to the live puppet. Worse yet he seems to think flying yoda doing double flips and floating through the air is believeable when he normally walks with a cane. If he can do all that floating and flipping crap why doesn't he just fly around all day like superman instead of worrying about hobbling around?
And my final rant, why is Lucas releasing the prequels fairly quickly on DVD (well only EPI so far) when the originals are still not available on DVD? That really pisses me off.