I saw the 5 o'clock showing tonight (EST).


I felt like they spent the first 45 minutes trying to recover from the disappointing episode one. I agree the acting was rather wooden. Occasionally there would be a bright spot where they nailed a scene. That is the most disappointing, because you realize at those times what the movie COULD have been. There were also several times where the digital effects stole from the movie (tsk tsk...they should know better). Even with another screenwriter added on, the dialog suffered badly.

pleased about:

The last 45 minutes was worth the whole admission price. There was some great action scenes and the acting actually improved a little. I thought Christopher Lee did a good job with Count Dooku. He had to remain somewhat emotionless...he's been formally trained as a Jedi. I loved his fight with Yoda -- Yoda kicked some serious arse. The scenes with Jango Fett fighting were good...the cgi didn't interfere there.

All in all I came out a little encouraged that the entire series isn't shot to hell. They're starting to drift back on track. If they can get some decent line delivery and a good dialog script for Ep III, I think it'll be a good movie.
~ John