A sports car does not have to be the best at anything. It does not have to be the fastest car, the most horsepower, the lightest weight, the most rigid, the fastest slalom, the highest g forces, the loudest, the best launch, the most wheels driven, none of that. A sports car is the embodiment of all that is fun about cars. It is the complete opposite of a sedate get to you point b with 3 other passengers loads of groceries kind of car. For that reason, it should be stick shift, have two doors, have a certain nonpracticality about it and for that, it can not have a roof. We're talking sports cars, not competition formula 1 racing machines that have to be the epitome of stiffness with roll bars and whatnot. As such, power and stiffness are not part of the requirement set. Being able to race it in a pinch is though, because you can't have fun unless you can. You don't have to win, because the fun is not in the win itself but in the experience.
