Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I've been meaning to give the Firefly DVDs a shot actually, but just haven't gotten around to it. Only based on the comments I've seen here of course. How it was improved and about how good people thought Serenity was specifically. Didn't want to check out the movie without trying out the series again with the new (old) pilot.

Good choice: The movie would spoiler the series. And I commend you for wanting to give it another shot.

For what it's worth: Although I loved Firefly, I couldn't get into Buffy too much. I recognized that it was well written and complex, and I appreciated a lot of the subtlety in the dialogue and characters, but for some reason it just fell flat for me. And I did give the DVDs a shot, but only a brief one. (That's one nice thing about the Firefly DVDs: Only 13 episodes total, then a nice feature film to wrap up the story.)

Don't forget too that I'm in a different country, so I may not find appealing what most of the US seems to adore: Jerry Springer, Nanny 911, Deal or No Deal, Chuck, Entertainment Tonight/Access or any of its clones, Dancing with the Stars, Ghost Whisperer, etc. There's probably a cultural divide that keeps me from appreciating this high art. wink

Ouch! smile
Tony Fabris