Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I know that your argument wasn't that it didn't have an ending, but that it was not in sight, so sorry if I'm arguing a point that you weren't trying to make.

More specifically, I was pointing out that, just when you think you're getting closure on a story arc, something else happens to justify stretching it out to another season.

I was about to offer '24' as a counterpoint, because each season does reach closure, and then they move on (yeah, I know it's not exactly high art). Thinking about it, however, I can't really offer '24', because I tend to buy/rent the box sets and then watch them in 4 to 6 hour slices, which (I guess) means I don't have to suffer wandering story arcs for too long.

My main problem is that I'm never in regularly enough of an evening to really get into a show, so unless I can dip in and out without thinking "WTF?" too often (or I suppose I could just watch the whole season in one go...), I tend to lose interest quite quickly.
-- roger