Too bad you need something smaller/lighter. Because I've yet to see or hear of any notebook that comes close to an Apple for look, feel and usability. The sub-notebook is definitely a market where Apple has missed out on a great opportunity.

Yeah, tell me about it. Part of me wants to tough it out for a couple more months to see if Apple releases a subnotebook or their rumored tablet PC. Most likely, Apple would wait until they had the low-power Pentium M's, which means a year wait.

Stupid ThinkPad question: what are the two keys above the arrow keys mapped to? One has a left-ish arrow and the other has a right-ish arrow. Is there some easy way to just make those be page-up and page-down? I use page-up/page-down all the time and having those keys up in the corner just seems lame.

Random Apple speculation: if Apple were going to do some sort of tablet PC based on Intel, then the IBM X41 would be an obvious development and testing platform, particularly with IBM standardizing components to the point that you can move system images across their different laptops. That means that OS X for Intel could well have all the driver support necessary to run (eventually) on the X41. The question is what sort of gross hackery would be necessary to install it there if Apple tries to lock OS X to their own hardware?