My top wishes for jEmplode:
0. Track Properties dialog boxes could really use 'Save and Next' and 'Save and Previous' buttons. If you're editing something for each track in an album, these really save a lot of time. I've grown addicated to them via Foobar2000 and Tag&Rename.

1. After pressing CTRL-L, the cursor should start in the "Name" field, and pressing Enter should save the new playlist. I'm tired of pressing CTRL-L, Tab, typing the name, and then Shift-Tab, Shift-Tab, Enter.

2. After creating a new playlist, the left scrollable pane should focus on the new playlist. Usually, you're going to do something else immediately after creating a new playlist.. and it's a safe bet to change the user's context to that new playlist.

3. non-Latin characters like ä and å do not display properly in jEmplode, but they work fine on the empeg itself.

4. I sure wish I could drag songs and folders directly onto a playlist in jEmplode, rather than having to open that playlist and drag things into the right pane. Fixing #2 in this wishlist would make this mostly a non-issue, though.

5. In the 'Columns' dialog box, it is strange to have to double-click a checkbox to activate or deactivate it.

6. I would like to be able to tell jEmplode to not report playlists as duplicates. If I'm adding a new album by Finntroll, it's mildly irritating to be told that 'Finntroll' is a duplicate. I may be the only one adding whole folders like this, though. Not sure.

7. Undo last action without reverting the whole empeg database.