What you fail to realise is that, if emplode is talking to the empeg via ethernet, then the empeg is now a black box. You don't need to know anything about the player, you just need to know how emplode BEHAVES.

Second, get your facts straight. The thread I started last year was that they needed -- by law -- to release whatever code they were using which was covered under the GPL. I may have suggested that it would be nice for the player itself to be open sourced, but I can totally understand it NOT being open soure.

As for the "waiting for food" approach as you put it... that's YOU. Some of us are simple consumers here and merely want to have the same level of support as other platforms. Many of us have indicated we'd CREATE the support for the other platforms, but that requires a little assistance from Empeg... for a company that doesn't claim to have time to do anything, they're awfully funny about turning away volunteering to do their work FOR them.

As for reverse-engineering it. Thank you, no. Right now, reverse engineering the Empeg communications protocol is like reverse engineering something from Microsoft... its completely subject to change and you won't even be told WHAT's changing, it'll just break ... no thanks.