The empeg guys have stated, many times in the past, that they are a software company and not a hardware company. I must agree with the decisions regarding their source code as that is the mainstay of their business. While I agree with the notion that Mac/Solaris/Be/*BSD/Linux/etc support would have been evolving over the last X monthes; the fact remains the vast bulk of the empeg owners are MS Windows users, and empeg must focus their efforts to support them. That is a fact of reality. Patience has its own rewards, and I think that this is one of those situations where we (the Mac/Linux minority) must be patient. It serves our purposes, to a greater degree, to work with empeg rather than against them. If we continually badger them about this point; we may end up with no support. Some monthes ago, a rather heated license discussion erupted. All issues were resolved in the end, but in the thick of the disussion it was not so clear cut. In the final analysis, I have the impression that the whole situation left 'a bad taste' with the empeg folk.

Personally, I've been waiting for eight monthes, others have been waiting longer; I don't think it's going to hurt us one bit to be patient. If we play our cards right, we'll have an ally rather than a begrudging acquaintance or an enemy.