
I hope you will take this as constructive criticism (as that is how it is intended). That response comes off as very snotty. Those of us who don't use windows on a regular basis are very used to hearing 'there are not very many of you, but your presence is loud and unwanted so we are going to placate you by saying that we will support you at some distant time in the future when we get around to it'.

I don't think that was how it was intended, but from a customer service perspective that is not the way you want to come off. I can appreciate the comments that you guys have made (particularly the more technical descriptions of how you are trying, but want to have the sync specs finalized first). I do not appreciate being told that there are not many others in my situation. I started this thread because I wanted to see if it would be worth my time to write a emplode type tool for MacOS or LinuxPPC. To be clear I am not asking for or expecting full cross platform support from empeg. I am not trying to petition empeg for anything that you have not already promised.

Fortunately I know that empeg has a good customer service record and that you have a really cool product, otherwise I might be looking more closely at that Alpine MP3 playing head unit right about now.


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration