Checking task manager, emplode stayed under 10% cpu usage, and about 4 megs of memory usage

Do you have a way of monitoring free physical RAM during a long USB synch operation on Win2k? I'm curious if the same thing happens to you as it does for me... the gradual decrease of free physical RAM.

Also, Windows 2000 is the official name for the product. It was NT 5...


I like to call it NT5 anyway, for several reasons:

1) I'm sick and frigging tired of all this "name-your-product-after-the-year" crap. Especially since everyone decided to start doing it in the same year. This is software, damnit, not cars. I say, bring back the real version numbers.

2) It's easier to type "NT5" than "Win2k".

3) It serves as a reminder that the operating system was, and still is, NT at heart, regardless what the box says. There's still a big difference between the NT core and the 95/98 core, and it's important to keep that difference in mind at all times.

Honestly, I think 2000 is perfectly suited for consumers.

Only after everyone weeds the old games out of their collections. There is still some older software (especially old DOS games) that flat-out won't run on the NT kernel. The only work-around for these folks is a dual-boot system. I have some of that software on my 98 system right now and I'm seriously thinking about just kissing it goodbye so that I can run a pure Win2k system when I decide I'm ready.

And keep in mind that services packs 4-6 for NT 4 all exist because of the development team for 2000 fixing problems and backporting fixes.

Good point. Sad, but true.

Glad to hear that synchs work so well in Win2k. Although such behavior seems to indicate that there's something going wrong in either: a) Win98, b) USB drivers under Win98, or c) Emplode. In any of those three cases, the Empeg folks need to locate the trouble and implement fixes or work-arounds before the Mark2's ship. Not an easy task under Windows- it's so hard to track down bugs in that OS because of how all the different pieces of the puzzle interact...

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris