Having forgotten to hit send on my previous post - there was about a hour between them...

Done some more testing having eliminated the illegal characters bit.

Just found another bug but this time in my mains wiring - turned on my desk lamp and the following appeared "copyright [c] abbahome inc. denis wu s121809027" strange, but a little of topic.

Uploading a track direct from a CD will fail *most* of the time. It does sometimes work, but can't yet determine any pattern. Copying this file(s) to the desktop and then syncing works *every* time - as far as I can tell in an hours testing.

The CDs have been burnt using Toast 3.5.3 on a Mac as a ISO-9660 volume. Is there anything this could be doing to screw with what Windows sees? The only thing I can think of is that I chose to allow Macintosh names when burning the CD. I'll try disabling this and buring another but I guess I'll lose some file naming info so I must give this one some thought. Will try it tomorrow evening.

Or any other way of making cross platform CDs that that emplode will understand?

Many thanks


PS - Tony. Thanks for your help a few weeks back on sending next previous track commands to the empeg - just got round to trying it - works a treat.