I pulled my money out of a big bank and into my credit union a while back, but to go through the hassle of switching banks because they're trying to avoid getting robbed seems ridiculous. Yes, policies like this will give criminals incentive to go to banks where there are no such policies, which will lead to the proliferation of these policies which will... make it harder to rob banks. This is a bad thing how, exactly?

As a Wells Fargo customer (via my home mortgage, not my deposit accounts) I am happy they're trying to save money and avoid putting their employees in a dangerous position. As a taxpayer who pays for deposit insurance that kicks in when banks get robbed, I'm similarly delighted that the banks are taking a proactive step to make it easier to catch criminals. And as someone who occasionally likes to wear a hat, I'm perfectly taking it off if I ever have to go into a Wells Fargo brank to conduct business.

How a private company looking out for their customers' interests as well as their own becomes a "quasi-fascist state" is beyond me, but by all means, don't let the man keep you down, boys!
- Tony C
my empeg stuff