Originally Posted By: frog51
I do miss glass bottles - our only option here is plastic. Not ecologically sound at all!

I can't imagine bags'o'milk. When growing up, we had pints in glass bottles, left on the doorstep by the milkman. Get 'em before the birds do...

These days, we have 4-pint plastic bottles from the supermarket. Fortunately, Ealing accepts most plastic waste for recycling (though I have no idea what they actually do with it), which accounts for about 60-70% of our domestic rubbish output.

Back to that earlier topic I do love my soft drinks, but only the full fat, full sugar ones... ideally Irn Bru - drink of the gods.

I don't drink diet drinks because (I kid myself) I don't need to lose weight. Also, I can't stand the taste of Aspartame. I pretty much gave up on caffeine 5 years ago. I have maybe one mug of tea per day now; that's it.

Essentially, I drink tap water and Stella Artois.
-- roger