How much soda drinks do most of you drink in the average day?

I consume about one liter of diet cola per week, but I drink it in a mixture.

It's probably pointless for me to tell you what the mix is, because you'll just say "Ewww. That sounds awful" and you'll not try it. But believe me, it is excellent. So, here goes...

Mix up a can of frozen lemonade mix, following the instructions on the can. Add to that half of a two-liter bottle (or, alternatively, 3 12-Oz. cans) of diet cola (has to be diet, the regular is too sweet). This makes about 100 fluid ounces of really yummy stuff. It's better after it sits for a day, the flavor becomes richer for some reason. The tartness of the lemonade contrasted with the slight bitter aftertaste of the diet cola is quite good.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"