I stayed away from Day Break because the idea didn't appeal to me (not exactly original), and I've never been a Taye Diggs fan. Maybe I'll find a way to catch a couple episodes, but I have a hard time believing it's one of the best two shows of the season.

So far this season, even though a lot of people seem to dislike it, I've been a huge fan of Dexter. Hopefully Michael C Hall will be remembered come Emmy time.

Dexter and Veronica Mars are the two best shows I'm watching this year.

Jericho and The Nine are the only two shows in the last couple years that I've stopped watching.

According to Jim and the Jorge Lopez show

Please don't think I'm defending those shows, either. They're terrible. Those types of sitcoms are a dime a dozen, but they keep putting more out every single year.

Oh, and Bruno, have you watched Veronica Mars? Go rent the first season on DVD. I had no interest in the show, and the first episode changed what I thought of it.

Edited by Dignan (18/12/2006 17:23)