Okay, if the point of ID is to embrace and extend science with the addition of God, let's see where that takes us. If that's the case, then they must have some respect for science in the first place. So let's say that there's a specific case of ID interference -- the bombardier beetle, to choose an example. The ID proponent would say that the BB can exist only because God manipulated it to exist. We would assume that since they're saying that God enhances science, that would lead us to more scientific revelation. But it does not. It completely short-circuits science. It does not provide any testable theory and exists only to compete with a more plausible approach that can be tested.

At its base, it still subverts science with magic.

On the other hand, if all it says is that God must have had a hand in science and that science it still completely valid, then that's religion. It has no bearing of any sort on the scientific process.

So it's either magic, and, as such, unassailable, or irrelevant to the scientific process, and, as such, philosophy or religion. And there's no inbetween; it either subverts science or it does not. It doesn't make any difference how little it happens or how long ago it happened. Any speck of magic throws off the whole shooting match.

It seems to me that it's the modern equivalent of "Here Be Monsters".

Edited by wfaulk (22/12/2005 18:26)
Bitt Faulk