I installed the latest cygwin distro (took maybe 5 minutes to download and setup everything from the wizard)

Then I copied the upgrader-cygwin.exe into the c:\cygwin\home\oliver folder, opened up the bash terminal, and ran chmod 777 upgrader-cygwin.exe

I then copied the ncftpput.exe into the c:\cygwin\bin directory, and chmod 777 /bin/ncftpput.exe

Then I ran the upgrader with ./upgrader-cygwin.exe "/home/oliver/car2-developer-v3.00-alpha11.upgrade" and everything worked perfectly (well almost, see above post)

After that completed, I also installed the latest hijack with the ncftpput.exe application, and it's really fast!

One thought I had today during my lunch break, was the upgrader is really the simplest program thanks to the lord. It would be really nice if we could figure out a way to integrate it directly into hijack's web interface. I envision a simple textbox with the familiar Browse for file button and you select the .upgrade file. Clicking submit would upload it to the empeg which would gunzip the file, and put everything in the correct place. This would allow us to upgrade our beloved empegs from any network connection without having to setup any software on the computers attached to that network. Thoughts on this? Also, I may be greatly underestimating what the upgrader actually does, but from what I can tell (without looking at the source yet), it seems pretty simple if hijack is already installed. Also, if the upgrader is really as simple as it seems, I already have a great gunzip class for .net, and the FTP class is simple, So if this can't be added into hijack for memory/overhead issues, I'm going to attempt to create a simple .net console app which would mimic the upgrader but not requiring the cygwin install (but it would only run on windows, maybe linux with mono)

Edited by oliver (27/07/2005 00:52)
Oliver mk1 30gb: 129 | mk2a 30gb: 040104126