And a reminder to those who have customized some things:

(1) If you use my ethernet upgrader utility to install v3a11, then you won't need to reinstall Hijack afterward, and the upgrade will happen much more quickly, as well.

(2) If you don't use upgrader, then the upgrade will overwrite Hijack, and you'll have to reinstall Hijack over (slow) serial afterward.

(3) The .upgrade file still includes the plain anna-vu visual, so you may want to redownload Tony's mucho macho vuback.raw into /empeg/lib/visuals to replace the default.

(4) If you are a fan of set_empeg_max_fid.v7 for dealing with LARGE playlists (including the down down down master shuffle), then you'll need to FTP it to the player and run it again after upgrading to v3a11.

(5) Any third party apps (such as empire and irattach and libopenobex-1.0.so.0) will probably need to be reinstalled after upgrading.

(6) If you have a largish ReserveCache=nn value in config.ini, you should substantially reduce it, as v3a11 now incorporates a hefty internal default for this. On my own 32MB player, I am using ReserveCache=32 now, which is still a lot, but going down to 0 increases the read-ahead stuttering too much for my liking.

It all seems to work great!

Good points.

I prefer the "Sancho's Edit" of the VU visual because the screws are more random.

Another thing to reinstall is the .xml file from Mark Cushman.
Brad B.