As you know I have been pursuing this both locally, and in Peoria. I have been CC'ing both law enforcement agencies everything I find out, and here is a little feedback from my local Law Enforcement Agency--Chris

My Sergeant has referred this to the FBI, please advise the other victims.
Good luck with your case.
Karen Swanson

From :
"John Sprague" <JSprague@MAIL1.CO.KITSAP.WA.US>

To :
"Karen Swanson" <KSwanson@MAIL1.CO.KITSAP.WA.US>

Subject :
Referral of Internet Fraud Case K02-007985

Date :
Tue, 21 May 2002 00:53:33 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0
I reviewed the report of the information you received from Christopher Bennet. It appears this was a interstate transaction
facilitated by the internet. I have marked it for forwarding to the FBI, as it appears to be their jurisdiction.

I noticed that Mr. Bennet sent you a "CC" of his E-mail. Could you please send this message to him to that he knows of our having
forwarded the case. Also, for future reference there is a web-site that may be of assistance to citizens in similar situations.
The site is at :

It is an internet fraud reporting site from the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. They have a reporting mechanism
that relates to internet auctions and sales when the merchandise is not delivered.

Sergeant J. Sprague
Kitsap County Sheriff's Office
Port Orchard, WA 98366

Build a man a fire-keep him warm for an evening-set him on fire-he is warm for the rest of his life.