You stereotype conservatives as stingy and selfish, while you portray liberals as caring and giving. I don't think it has to do with the person's personality. If you take it to the extremes, then the conservatives would be for charitable giving as optional, while liberals would make it mandatory. I'm all for giving charity, but I'm not gonna tell another person what to do with his money.

There is no way you could describe the term 'liberal' in a definition. You would have to write a term paper on it, especially if you wanted to describe all it's different meanings in different time periods and places. For instance, a group of people trying to overcome oppression are considered liberals. That kind of liberalism is rare in America. If you want me to describe mainstream American liberalism as it it exists today, then I can sum it up in two words: moderate socialism. If you take it to the extreme all the way to the right you have almost pure capitalism. Take it all the way to the left and you have socialism. The ideals at the respective extreme are behind most views of conservatives and liberals.