"It's more of a big business vs. free speech issue"

I disagree. Like I said above, I believe the 'big business' has every right to incorporate copy-protection into their products. After all, you don't have to buy it. What I do have a problem with is big government. Uncle Sam doesn't have the right to tell me that I can't thwart the copy protection, or for that matter, tell me how I can and can't use it. And big government, along with all the ever growing freedom-eroding restrictions and regulations, is what the liberals today stand for. It's the same issue with them trying to tighten restrictions on fuel efficiency. It's none of anyone''s business how efficient I burn my fuel. I paid my dollar twenty for my gallon of 87 octane gasoline, and if I wanted to burn it just for the sheer pleasure of watching it burn (that would be 0 mpg, by the way), then that's my right. It's my fuel and I'll burn it as ineffeciently as I see fit.


1) What is DMCA?
2) How do you come to the conclusion that I hate immigrants?

"The word ``liberal'' has acquired a negative connotation amongst certain portions of the US populace, and it is starting to be used as a general pejorative by the ignorant in political discussions. "

You can say what you want, but I know what a liberal is (at least in the US. The term 'liberal' has taken many different shapes and forms over the years. If you don't know my definition of liberal, think Hilary, Gore, Tom Daschle, NOW, PETA, treehuggers, etc.) The right and the left have gotten further and further apart. The left wants to control and socially engineer everything, while the right just wants to leave people alone and let things work themselves out. The left continously strays more and more away from capitalism and towards socialism. I find it ironic that human rights is usually associaed with the left, yet if you look at the things they stand for and the laws they pass it's exactly the opposite. Some democrat in congress now wants to tax the whole world on tobacco products. It's rediculous. He wants to force OTHER countries to impose taxes on their citizens.

And don't even get me started on the evironment freaks. 99% of then would rather kill infants than cut down a [censored] tree. PETA confiscated over 2,000 animals in abusive situations last year (i believe last year). They killed over half of them. Yeah, they put them to sleep. Now does that make sense? And they stand for the ethical treatment of animals? So by that logic, a woman who is beat on by her husband would be better off dead. These type of people talk a lot of pretty talk, but when it's all over they do a whole lot of jackshit.

And why does the left want to disarm America? Hitler himself said the first step is to disarm the people. It's obvious that gun control laws will only disarm law-abiding citizens with no intent to do any harm. Gun owners in England failed to resist the passage of "reasonable" gun laws, and have seen their rights almost completely disappear in the space of a few decades. England changed from a nation with almost no restrictions on gun ownership and no crime, to a nation where crime is rising and all but certain rifles and shotguns are banned.

That is why don't agree with the liberal agenda, not because I'm ignorant or mistake what they are, but because I don't agree with what they stand for.