it wouldn't be too hard to write up a spec for a simple template structure. The problem with using XML or any other already existing template structure, is that they are complex and not suitable for a small-memory footprint implementation. For this, you need something that lets you define variable substitutions, and simple looping accross different items. I've done some of this stuff before for various dynamic HTML content projects I've worked on.

Some limitations need to be figured out to define what the environment each page would have. Basicly, I'm figureing that each page would be about a single playlist, and therefore there would be global playlist tags (%title%, %source% etc..) as well as tags for each item in the playlist. You would definately need an iterator function to have sections of code/variables repeated for each item in the playlist. During that iteration you would need to have a couple conditional statements to allow you to create HTML that doesn't provide links that you don't want. For example, a conditional statement for if the item in the playlist is annother playlist. so a %playlist(<code if true>) and %notplaylist(<code if not>) might be doable. It's easy to want to write a script language or some other complex template language, but I think we need to get some guidance by Mark as to what is easiest and doable in kernel..

Using the above commands, I'll write up a simple template to explain what I'm getting at.