I thought I had seen a similar post in the past, but couldn't find it in the archives... so sorry if this has already been discussed before.

Anyway, today when I got in my car to leave work, my EMPEG failed to boot and displayed a message similar to "No Hard Drive Found, Contact Support".

Needless to say, this scared me.... so I quickly reseated the player and then everything was fine. This seemed pretty fatal initially and I had not expected a player reseat to fix this, so I didn't carefully note the full text of the message. This is first time I have seen anything like this on my player.

I am running 2.00 beta3 with two 20G drives. It was about 52 deg F when this happened. The player had been sitting out in the car for about 3 hours.... so it was probably at about the same temp. I believe this is within the recommended operating range (should be okay down to 5 deg C right?).

I was thinking it might be a sign of marginal drive or something, but it seems odd that both hard drives would have a transient problem at the same time.... unless one was doing something that would keep the EMPEG from finding the other... or if this message comes up if only the first drive fails to respond, etc.

Anyone seen anything like this? And thoughts as to what I should be checking? My first thought when this happened was that a drive jumper may have fallen off.... but when it worked after reseating it, I was perplexed.

If no one has any ideas, I'll be emailing support next.
