Originally Posted By: tonyc
They really have to get it right out of the gate, with some big-name manufacturers and some seriously useful features.

Agreed, more than the technology actually working and being very cool without a "killer app" it will be hard to take any hold.

I'd like to automate a few things in my home, and like the idea of just slipping in an EI when I am ready, but what worries me about the idea is that the manufacturer needs to put in a log of redundant electronics in say a light switch on the assumption that at some point someone might want to internet enable it in the future. That to me sounds like an excuse to charge a lot more for a light switch. And it would need to be in everything, already, which is of course impossible.

From a consumer point of view I need to see what this thing can do, and if I were EI marketing team that is what I would be doing right now, reworking existing devices to show the world what it's all about.

