Originally Posted By: Dignan
They started out with those bizarre "search overload" ads

Yeah, and Bing definitely doesn't have that problem. Since it never seems to return much that's relevant to your search at all.

I remember I recently tried to use Bing to find something on Microsoft's site; some piece of Windows documentation that I knew existed but couldn't seem to find. (Probably due to their restructuring of the kb site without fixing any of the links inside it.) Anyway, Google wasn't returning what I wanted, so I tried Bing, and it was far, far, worse. It didn't even come close to finding anything relevant at all.

I figure that if Bing can't even find content on Microsoft's own site, there's not much chance that it will work well with anything else, either.

Also, I wish Google hadn't changed their image search in response to Bing. The new version is awful. I might start trying Bing for image search, since Google seems to think they've done something right there.

All that said, WP7S actually looks pretty good. I'm not going to use it, but it's not the goatse.cx that WinCE was.
Bitt Faulk