Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I finally had a chance to check out two new-ish WinPhone teaser ads and I think they're both very well done. Great ads in fact. Happy to see they didn't go down the Palm route of irrelevant.

I think they'll have to follow them up with something that makes the point quicker however. The point of the ads is that you don't have to be a slave/drone to your phone and go through your day like a zombie.

Yeah, the ads were one of the dozen things Palm did wrong. MS seems to take a little while to get their campaign rolling, and definitely don't have the impact and effectiveness of Apple's ads. They do an average job, though.

Josh Topolsky actually made a good point about them on TWiT this week. He pointed out that MS basically did the same thing with their Bing ads. They started out with those bizarre "search overload" ads, which presented us with the problem that we face with search. They then followed those ads up with a series of ads showing Bing in action and all the things you could do with it. Josh surmised that they would probably do the exact same thing.

Again, I'm not saying this is the correct way, but it could be a lot worse. It could be Palm, after all...