Well, the actual launch is getting close, anyone here looking at a Windows Phone 7 phone? (Gah, even the shortened name still seems awkward, guess I should use device instead)
I am.
1. I love Zune way more than any iPod I own, and if (IF) MS succeeds in creating a UI just as good for a phone, I'd love to use it. And I'd use 1 device only as phone/music player. But, sadly, they'll only make devices with little 32Gb storage, at least initially, I am afraid, which will make it no replacement for my Zune, should I ever decide to get one soon.
2. I need it for work. I need to sync, daily, w/o issues, with my Outlook. This is a must for me. No way Android or iPhone could do this as well as my old and slow Palm Treo 750. And I have no intention to go through Gmail or whatever.
3. I've had and "tested" iPhone and Android a bit, and never got into the "Apps" thing. They're nice and cool, I had fun with some of them, but I only ended up using the one that "recognizes songs". I even forgot its name. I know that if I used those phones longer I would have done much more with Apps. But, honestly, that's way down in my priority list. And, it seems, the song-recognising app will be in WP7.
4. It seems some WP7 devices with real, physical qwerty keyboard will be available at some point (Samsung? LG? Can't remember). I'd love that. No touch-screen keyboard I've tried feels as nice as the one on my Palm Treo 750. No, not even the iPhone one.
Of course, I'll try WP7. I like a lot what I saw so far on line, but it may turn into something poor in reality. In which case I won't know what to do and if my Treo's keyboard keeps breaking (yes, it feels great but it is getting progressively worse in accepting key-presses. Its terrible.) I may have to resort to accept the "stupid" RIM I would get at work otherwise. And wait that Android improves to do what I want (likely, at some point), or that the iPhone does (unfortunately very unlikely).
Oh, and I need tethering. Unlocked. What happened with that? Is Android doing it, no limits, no carrier-lock, and what not? Is Apple? This has been so discouraging for me in thinking to change phone... Windows Mobile has been doing this forever and it "just worked" for me over the last three years, and Nokia did it great before that. I've been tethering for the last 8 years, and I just don't want to change to something that doesn't do it any longer. Which, incredible, could even be WM7 itself, based on what I read months ago. But I just did not have time to look into this, so maybe now all of them do happily?!