Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Why a DSLR rather than a super-zoom camera? Am I missing something here?

1. speed: push the button, and the picture is already taken. Zero perceptible delay. Sure, the best P&S cameras are quicker than they used to be, but nowhere near as quick as a run of the mill DSLR.

2. depth-of-field: P&S always have loads of depth of field, which can be very useful for landscapes and architecture. And very hindering for people photos, or anything else where the subject needs to be more isolated from its background.

3. Ease of operation: just peer through the large viewfinder, and press the button. No trying to hold (and see!) a shaky screen at arms length in bright sunlight.

4. It works in the dark: or nearly so. Natural light photos are possible just about anywhere, under just about any conditions.
