Well, look through them and find the ones that do mean something to you and scan those in. In my case, most of the slides I'm scanning are photos my dad took when overseas in the Army in Japan in the 50s and some European vacations from the 60s through the early 80s. I'm mostly interested in making these available to the public via flickr or whatever. They don't hold any particular importance to me personally, but they're nice photographs of times gone by. (I went through them earlier today and it looks like about 1250 slides, but, interestingly, I found some slides that were sold commercially. I imagine there's still copyright on them, and they're faded far more than the ones my dad took, but I found it interesting that they were selling photographs as slides.) But if that wasn't the case, I doubt I'd have much interest at all in them. There are bound to be some of me and my family, but I don't care much about those. However, if I'm going to get the rest of them scanned, I might as well for those, too.
Bitt Faulk